The service let you find objects in the image

We spent years on developing unique algorithm for object detection(recognition) for images. Using our technologies you could perfrom visual search on images, videos and other media. Our algorithm is build on top of Viola–Jones' algorithm and incorporate lots of improvements on all stages to achieve higher performance and robustness. Our system scales fit your requirements and work with any type of digital images and any type of object.


Brand and Trademarks Detection for Marketing

You can use system to search for trademarks and brands in media like video and image. You could incorporate this feature for advertising or marketing as well for copyright protection.

Smart Advertising

Incorporate our technologies to provide you clients with new feature - display customers more relevant ads or products.

Science Images Processing

Our product can help scientist save their time on automatic processing images (for example photos of blood to count cells). Train our system to detect different type of cells and you good to go.

Video Tagging

You can use PattCut technology to detect/tag objects in video streams power of our cloud enough to perform this in real-time! Don't miss anything - get even more information.

Face Detection

PattCut algorithm effectively detects faces on images and photos, it does work even with rocks.